Saturday, May 22, 2010

STEAL- studded gladiators!

.. the best feeling is when you find it somewhere else for much cheaper!
That's what's called a STEAL!

A few weeks ago,
I bought a pair of studded gladiator sandals at H&M for about $29.
Next, I walked into Aldo Shoes and saw identical ones for $70.

Aldo Shoes $70

H&M $29

A great STEAL for my heel.

love, juliet


  1. Hey! Small world. I noticed the same thing - I actually work at an H&M and I saw the ones we had first, then shortly after I discovered that Aldo had the exact similar ones! Mind as well get the one's from H&M haha.

  2. ya i know! they're cheaper and i like them a lot! haha
